
The story of Diego, a young and successful photographer that lives in the glamorous world of fashion, shallowness and excess. A tragic accident turns his world around; his partner is now in a coma. Unexpectedly, and right at this terrible time, Diego must take care of his son, Armando. Now, both of them have to adapt to each other; Armando to the unknown, homosexual world of his father, and Diego to the closed attitude of his teenage son.




Finally I got to watch My Straight Son after I watched the tailer

But actually I like its original title, Azul y no tan rosa (Blue And Not So Pink), more.
(Spolier) Most people use BLUE to define boys and PINK to define girls, but ANYONE can have their favorite. Why couldn't girls like blue and boys like pink? Blue or pink just are two of so many colors.
In Canada there was a boy, Charles McNeill, wearing a pink shirt and then he got bullied in 2007. When I heard this story, I think NO WAY, Canada is a developed country which legalized the Same-Sex marriage in July 2005. Still some people got bullied because what kind of color they wear? #AntiBullyingDay #PinkShirtDay #WhoCaresWhatColorYouWear #ColorsCantDefineThePersonalityOfAnyone 
In 2000, a Taiwanese student ACCIDENTALLY died in restroom of his school, and he had gotten bullied for a long time because he was so GIRLY, BUT nobody cared, including his teachers. Due to the crime scene got clean, so the court said it's accident without any further evidence. Only god knows the truth. 
#WereAllDifferentYetTheSame #不一樣又怎樣
I was saying too far. This movie also/basically was talking about the relationship of a homosexual father and his straight son. The father was afraid of his son who can't accept him so the wall started building up between them but after opening up, they got closer because they always love each other no matter what. #LoveWins
One part I don't like is the father's partner got beaten up and then couldn't make it. I always hate that because it's hard to find your soulmate. When someone really found him/her, and ANYONE took him/her away. That's really piss me off. 
But anyway it's still kind of happy ending and I like happy endings, so it's not a bad movie. LOL
In the end, I am sharing those words of the end of the movie from Delirio del Río  who is a transgender because she thought she loved someone who loved girls.
How many times have we pointed fingers at other people because they are different? Different in way of thinking, way of walking, way of dressing, talking or loving. We mistreat other people because we consider them below us or less intelligent or because they have different skin colour. We make jokes about some because they belong to other cultures and have different customs and beliefs. We feel with the right to judge other just because they have a different opinion than ours and we forget we live in a plural society, where everyone has a place and where everyone should be listened to. And even more so the mistreated minorities that suffer a silent discrimination. "I am how I am, so what?"


P.S. You know in this movies the person who is so pink but actually so blue. And I think English title is the son but original title means the father.
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