
你的氣質不同 微微笑就迷人 喔~
Your temperament's different with charming smile.
怎麼無找一個 疼你的人
Why didn't you find a loving person?

可惜人海茫茫 要找會合的人 喔~
Unfortunately, it's hard to find the one from the vast sea of people
親像海底摸針 阮早就無央望
Just like looking for a needle in ocean. It's hopeless.

人講你歹逗陣 愈接近 愈抓無你的心
People said you're difficult to get along with. Getting closer to you is getting far from your heart.
明明是重感情 那要置人前裝作冷冰冰
Obviously you have feelings of people but why do you pretend you don't care?

人講阮歹逗陣 我承認阮個性有卡揯
People said you're difficult to get along with. I admit my personality is downright.
等別人來肯定 不如一個人卡清淨
I would rather be along quietly than wait for someone to affirm.

Tea own fragrance 
嘛著燒水來淋 喔~
but it's better with boiling water
人生短短 何必 自找麻煩
Life's too short so why bother?

Love's everyone's dream.
你是幸運的人 喔~
You are a lucky one.
就算海底摸針 至少還有希望
Even though it's like finding a needle in ocean, it's still a hope.

人講阮歹逗陣 愈接近 愈抓無你的心
People said you're difficult to get along with. Getting closer to you is getting far from your heart.
I still have feelings.
Why do you pretend cold in front of people?

People said you're difficult to get along with.
I admit my personality is downright. (Really downright)
等別人來肯定 不如一個人卡清淨
I would rather be along quietly than wait for someone to affirm.

人講你歹逗陣 愈接近 愈抓無你的心
People said you're difficult to get along. Getting closer to you is getting far from your heart.
Obviously you have feelings of people. (Feelings)
But why do you pretend cold in front of people?

你麥彼歹逗陣 好壞總是有人愛批評
Don't be so hard to get along with you. Good or bad is always someone to love criticism 
等別人來肯定 不如一個人卡清淨
Being along quietly is better than waiting for someone to affirm.


From 江蕙 Jody Chiang, Hwei 2013 “遠走高飛 ” 專輯

P.S. I translated it by myself. If you know what would be better or wrong, Please tell me.


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