1. In the Philipines, there was a serious typhoon. 300 people died and 1000 people are homeless.
2. A doctor says onions make people strong. Onions can cure heart disease, headaches, and tumours(cancer), and reduce the risk of digestive system cancer.
3. An actress in Korea decided to divorce her husband because he has a lot of debt. They have a 3-year-old child.
She divorced him. = She got divorced from him.
4. A 33-year-old Taiwanese man had a birthday but no one rememebered, so he went to 3 convenience stores within 23 minutes and stole(to steal) money.
5. In the U.S., a researcher surveyed 900 people and found the top 5 sentences people dislike:
1) whatever
2) You know
3) It is what it is = Nothing sepciel
4) Anyway
5) At the end of the day
6. There was an accident. A teenager in Quebec drove into someone's house after drinking. Two people in the house died, as well as driver.
7. A girl from Vancouver living G.P. died of an ecstasy overdose. Her mom had tried to get her to quit using drugs. Her mom works in an addiction centre.
He's addicted to alcohol(or drugs).他沈癮於酒(或毒品)。 He's a drug addict.他是一個毒蟲。
8. Who is the greatest genius in the world? The science magazine Nuture was consideing who changed human history the most.
誰是世界上最天才的人? 科學家雜誌"Nuture"認為誰改變人類歷史的最偉大
9. A criminal is suing the Korea government. He huh his back, but the police ignored hime, so he got worse.